Would Inbound Marketing be a "thing" for SMEs?
Nothing in the methodology indicates that this approach would be reserved for medium-sized structures but the observation is that the latter are massively embarking on the 'Inbound Marketing.
Small and medium-sized businesses are constantly looking for effective ways to attract an ever-changing consumer attention. These ways must be cost-effective for them, in money spent and time invested.
The best strategy to win more customers
The Inbound Marketing :
The goal of Inbound Marketing is to attract potential customers to a website through quality content. These visitors will then be converted into leads through an optimization strategy, and then into customers.
The tools of Inbound Marketing :
Blogs, SEO, social media, white papers, videos, infographics, marketing automation
Outbound Marketing :
This is the digital marketing " classic ". Based on interruption, for example an advertisement during the consultation of a site, it consists in sending massive messages on the web with the aim of reaching a small proportion of potential customers.
The tools of Outbound Marketing :
Online ads, pop-ups, unsolicited emails, cold calls, retargeting, sponsored links, syndication
68% of marketers, globally, agree on the lasting effectiveness of Inbound Marketing.
3 out of 4 Marketers make Inbound Marketing a priority in their action plan.
Convert leads : 70%
Increase traffic : 53%
Increase sales : 45%
Demonstrate ROI of actions : 39%
Improve customer knowledge : 29%
Reduce campaign costs : 24%
48% think it's Inbound Marketing
23% don't know how to measure the ROI of their actions
18% don't wonder
12% think it's outbound marketing
37% state " Yes, and we have a defined process "
41% report " Yes, and we have no defined process "
17% state " No, but we will establish a defined process in the next 12 months "
39% expect an increase
45% do not anticipate any changes
14% don't know
Budget allocated to content marketing on total marketing budget : 29% on average
Social networks : 83%
Newsletter : 77%
Ebooks : 65%
Videos : 60%
Blogs : 80%
Webinars : 58%
Events : 68%
Infographics : 58%
12% " Very effective "
64% " Somewhat effective "
17% " Somewhat ineffective "
7% " Very ineffective "