Super Agency Blog

30 Mobile Marketing Statistics for Your Digital Strategy

Written by Maxime Bontemps | Sep 30, 2021 3:53:59 AM

As of 2017, the French used their smartphones more often than their desktop computers to search the Internet.

This may be a detail for you, but for those who work in Digital Marketing, it means a lot!

Tablets and smartphones have indeed invaded the market so much so that the majority of internet searches now go through mobile.

What are the factors to consider for a successful digital strategy on mobile? And how to implement it?

The Super Agency has prepared for youa comprehensive list of mobile marketing statistics, which will then be illustrated with real-life examples.

Mobile devices are the most commonly used devices for searching the Internet.

What is Mobile Marketing

The goal of Mobile Marketing is to provide prospects and customers with personalized, local and timely information so they can get what they need at any time, especially when they are on the go.

Mobile marketing includes digital ads that appear on smartphones, social networks, tablets or other devices.

Each ad can display differently and can be customized based on the Marketing channel the company chooses.

What are the benefits of mobile marketing?

People like simplicity. Mobile devices provide that convenience by making it easy to search, shop and consume various forms of media wherever we are.

Here are some of the key benefits of Mobile Marketing:

  • Mobile Marketing reaches a wider market.

Individuals like to share messages, emails and videos with their loved ones which makes your mobile content viral.

This gives you a lot more exposure at no extra cost and also helps you reach a wider audience outside your usual target audience.

  • It's easy to track progress.

Another notable benefit of Mobile Marketing is the ability to track your progress with analytics tools often included in each of the Mobile Marketing tools.

For example, Instagram and Facebook do real-time analytics so you can track and view a lot of demographic information as well as engagement dates and times. This also helps you create more targeted advertising campaigns  using the data you collect.

  • Mobile marketing is profitable.

One of the most important advantages of Mobile Marketing is its affordability. This is because Mobile Marketing tools allow you to target your ads, stop them from running, and reduce the amount you initially charge.

The majority of ads on social networks allow you to publish digital ads by paying for them as you go.

However, there are other forms of promotion that don't allow you to stop the campaigns whenever you want by charging you the initial fee.

  • It's easy to access your audience.

 According to a Hootsuite & We Are Social study, 57% of the world's population uses the Internet and 52% uses it on mobile, which is about four billion people. In France the numbers go up to 74%.

Focus on mobile advertising to get a great investment for your campaigns. These are easily viewed by your users at any place and time of day. 


  • This type of Marketing encourages social media engagement.

Individuals who access their social media via their mobile device are more likely to comment, read, like or share published content than individuals who access social media from a desktop computer.

The number of individuals using their mobile devices to meet their computing needs is steadily increasing.

In fact, 46% of smartphone users like posts from a brand they follow about once a week when only 37% of desktop users engage in the same way.

  • Mobile is here to stay.

As smartphone and tablet usage continues to grow, mobile marketing is becoming an increasingly important element in any Inbound Marketing.

If you're starting a campaign or planning to spend more of your budget on mobile, here are some statistics to consider.

30 Marketing statistics on mobile usage and growth.

  • #1: 80% of smartphone users are more likely to buy from businesses with mobile sites or apps that help them easily answer their questions (source).
  • #2: 62% of users accessed the Internet using their cell phones in 2020 (source). Phones make it extremely easy to access the Internet wherever we are. The internet users know this and are using it.
  • #3: Among adults between the ages of 18 and 24 in France, 98% reported owning a smartphone, compared to 44% for those over 70. (source) In the future, these numbers will climb even higher.
  • #4: 40% of shoppers consult at least three channels before making a purchase (source). Consumers will walk into your store and check prices on their device before committing! This number is up sharply (from just 2% in 2002).
  • #5: 90% of consumers use their smartphones to shop (source). Smart retailers are offering discounts and coupons aimed at these shoppers.
  • #6: Mobile generates 23% of paid search clicks (source). Mobile usage is driving the PPC segment as well as overall search.
  • #7: In 2019, average daily mobile media consumption exceeded desktop media consumption by 37% (source).
    The users consume media such as podcasts, news articles, blogs, and videos from their mobile devices more often than on a desktop computer.
  • #8: The average smartphone user used their phone more than four hours a day. (source) Mobile users are generally further along in the purchase process and ready to buy than those who are searching on a desktop or laptop.
  • #9: Mobile commerce is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 25.5% from 2019 (source). By 2024, 44% of all e-commerce will be mobile.

  • #10: 50% of people start using their smartphone before brushing their teeth in the morning (source). They scroll through social media, text, check email, shop and use other media as soon as they wake up.

Some Marketing statistics on mobile ad spending.


Marketers recognize the importance of mobile to their overall advertising efforts. As a result, spending on mobile advertising is expected to continue to increase.

Here are the statistics that address mobile ad spending:

  • #11: In 2019, global mobile advertising spending was US$189 billion and is expected to grow to more than $240 billion by 2022 (source). Mobile advertising has grown excessively in recent years, but is expected to slow down by 2022.
  • #12: Google and Facebook are expected to capture 60.3% of mobile ad revenue in 2020 (source). Most companies choose to place their mobile ads on their platforms.
  • #13: 70% of mobile users say they don't like mobile ads (source Hubspot).Blocking of mobile ads has increased 90% year-over-year.
  • #14: 33% of consumers ignore search engines and go directly to the site of their choice (source). This statistic is why it makes sense to increase content creation to make it easy for your potential buyers to find you.
  • #15 : 73% of business searches are for food and beverages, and 68% are sports or health related (source). If your business belongs to one of these sectors, your ad spend would be well invested on mobile.

Mobile Marketing Statistics for Social Media and Email


Mobile devices and social media go hand in hand. As we become a more "immediate" society, mobile devices allow us to communicate with our loved ones as events unfold.

  • #16: 80% of social media time is spent on mobile devices (source). Make sure your social content looks good on mobile devices. Users are more likely to see it on a mobile device than on a desktop computer.
  • #17: Pinterest is the most mobile-friendly social network, with 64% of referral traffic coming from mobile devices (source). Facebook and Twitter generate a lot of mobile traffic, but if you're targeting mobile users, look at Pinterest as well.
  • #18: Mobile email opens have increased 180% in the last three years (source). If your subscribers aren't opening your marketing emails on their devices, the problem is yours.
  • #19: About 60% of emails are opened on mobile (source). Depending on the industry sending the emails, most of them are opened on mobile devices.
  • #20 : 70% of consumers immediately delete emails that don't display properly on a mobile device (source).
  • #21: 79% of people use their smartphones to read email. That's higher than the percentage of people using their phones to make calls (source).

Marketing statistics for mobile app users

Optimizing your content for mobile is a smart strategy that can help increase mobile engagement.

App usage is increasing among consumers, and having a proprietary app can increase leads, sales and engagement.

  • #22: Mobile users spend 87% of their time on their apps, compared to only 13% of their time on the web (source). They use their apps on their phones far more than their mobile browsers. That's why app development is still a major focus for so many companies.
  • #23: Two-thirds of Internet users report using mobile apps to shop (source). Mobile apps for shopping have grown in popularity in recent years. Apps are often more responsive, and some brands offer customers impressive rewards when they shop with them.
  • #24 : 89% of mobile browsing time occurs in apps (source). Only 11% of mobile browsing occurs in mobile web browsers.
  • #25: 46% of shoppers are less likely to store if they use a company's mobile app (source). A mobile app can build user trust and make them more likely to stay loyal to a brand.

Various Mobile Marketing Statistics


  • #26: Mobile browsing peaks during off-peak hours (source). Most web browsing occurs on desktops and laptops during the nine-to-five period.
  • #27: 57% of users would not recommend a company with a poorly designed mobile website (source). Take the time to optimize your website for mobile or you will lose business.
  • #28: More than half of smartphone users grab their device immediately upon waking (source).
  • #29: A recent Salesforce survey found that 58% of respondents had resources dedicated specifically to mobile marketing (source). Mobile Marketing is so powerful that companies are specifically dedicating resources to develop this area of their inbound strategy. 
  • #30: 48% of mobile search starts on a mobile search engine (source). 33% start on a branded website and 26% on branded apps. So SEO remains critically important when creating content.

Make sure you always follow best practices when creating content, as well as when optimizing content for mobile.

These statistics show you the importance of a solid mobile strategy

5 Types of Mobile Marketing Strategies

Here are five key Mobile Marketing strategies you can consider adopting before launching your new campaigns :

1. Optimize voice search

Smart devices with voice search have made their way into homes. Many people are using these devices to perform everyday searches. 

By 2022 more than half of all households will have voice technology. 

2. Use QR Codes 

QR codes are a game changer in mobile marketing. QR stands for "quick response," so your prospects don't have to search your site or navigate to find what they need.

By scanning your QR code using the "camera" app you can immediately access elements of the website. The QR code allows better accessibility for mobile users. 

 You can generate QR codes via sites like Kaywa.

3. Implement Geolocation-based Marketing

 Leverage the use of Location Based Marketing in your strategy  to increase your customer base and engagement.

One location-based technique is geo-targeting,  allows businesses to have a mobile app and target users in a certain area. This is ideal for physical stores as well as e-commerce sites offering local suggestions, such as travel services or food delivery.

Geolocation helps create a personalized relationship with your customers

4. Create ads on social networks

 As you saw in the social media statistics above, most people are actively involved in one or more social media channels. 

Selecting the right social media channels on which to promote your business is critical to a successful social media advertising campaign. You can conduct A / B tests to discover which platforms give you the best results.

Social media is a great place to showcase your brand's story and post publications that showcase your product and the lifestyle of the product.

Adopting a Social Media Marketing strategy can increase your sales. Approximately 76% of consumers have purchased something because a brand they are interested in featured it in a social media post.

5. Don't forget about SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing campaigns have a phenomenal open rate because most individuals read them within minutes of receiving them. A person reads about 100% of the SMS messages they receive.

A good SMS marketing campaign starts by offering your customers and prospects the opportunity to accept the messages. You can often entice them with some sort of discount or benefit if they opt-in to SMS.

In fact, digital coupons or sales sent via SMS are used 10 times more often than coupons from other marketing methods. It's a great way to increase your conversion rate and boost your sales.

5 steps to launch your mobile marketing strategies

 With these five steps, you can easily launch your mobile marketing strategies.

1. Understand your target audience.

There are a lot of Mobile Marketing strategies to use depending on your audience. It is important to analyze which platforms your audience engages with before you can launch your Mobile Marketing strategies.

You can understand your target audience by collecting data from analytics tools or surveys that detail how, where and when they interact most often.

Use the information you collect to select which mobile strategies to launch first.

2. Define mobile-friendly goals.

The key to any successful Marketing strategy is defining the end goal.

For example, if your current sign-up process is long and difficult for users, they may end up bouncing off your site. One of your goals may be to increase registrations by offering shorter, mobile-friendly forms and allowing social connection via Facebook or another social media platform.


3. Create a mobile-friendly website.

If you want to implement a good Mobile Marketing strategy, you need to have a mobile-friendly website that is responsive on different devices.

Most site visitors get a first impression on mobile when they search for basic information, such as your business address, contact information or even pricing.

A website that is not responsive to mobile typically has higher bounce rates because it is slower and visitors cannot engage. This leads to a drop in search rankings and traffic.


A mobile responsive site is user-friendly, simple and optimized for different screen sizes.

Adapt your website to mobile constraints

4. Focus on mobile SEO.

You probably already know the importance of SEO in driving overall traffic to your website, but mobile SEO requires a few extra steps beyond traditional search engine optimization.

For example, you can optimize for mobile by including local SEO. Mobile users often search for information while on the go. This means your business should be easily detectable for geo-specific search queries, such as "nearby."

Search engines like Google also reward you for simply having a mobile-ready site. Consider optimizing your site speed to take advantage of this benefit.


5. Experiment and adapt.

Mobile Marketing strategies require you to think differently about your approach, adapting to the changes and market dynamics that come with mobile technology.

One of the main benefits is that it provides you with many opportunities to test your innovative campaigns and ideas in the marketplace as well as evaluate your experimental campaigns. To evaluate your campaign performance you can use real-time analytics.


Then you can modify your Marketing efforts accordingly to make them more effective.

Marketers are increasingly optimizing and focusing on Mobile Marketing as a growth area. As a result, the majority of resources are dedicated to Digital Marketing.

 More and more people prefer to read email, interact with their social networks and start searches on their mobile devices, and that number will only grow.

The growth of mobile is justified by the numbers. These statistics can help illustrate the many reasons why you need to develop mobile as a major segment of your Inbound strategy.

Investing in Mobile Marketing can be very cost effective for most businesses.