Super Agency Blog

30 important figures on Inbound Marketing in 2017

Written by Guillaume Vigneron | Sep 28, 2021 11:42:01 AM

The latest State of Inbound report, released on September 12, 2016, is packed with information, especially completely new numbers.

This type of information is particularly valuable, especially when it comes to explaining to others the issues around the revolution that is 'Inbound Marketing.

We've selected 30 significant numbers for you, gathered around the four main themes of the State of Inbound 2016


Conversion, video and social media are top of mind for marketers

74% of marketers are making lead conversion their priority in 2017 (source)

48% of marketers plan to add YouTube to their content strategy next year (source)

9% of marketers plan to add Facebook to their content strategy next year (source)

73% of the panel say they use Facebook for business purposes (source)

Only 17% of marketers say Outbound Marketing provides good quality leads for sales (source)

Organizations that practice Inbound Marketing are 4 times more likely to consider their digital strategy effective (source)

65% of marketers think their biggest challenge for 2017 is increasing their traffic and number of leads (source)

Marketers who calculate their ROI are 60% more likely to get better budgets the following year (source)

43% of marketers report having a lead/customer conversion rate of less than 20% (source)

Content types and delivery channels must be diversified

55% of Internet users view video content in full (source)

43% des internautes admettent ne lire les articles de blog qu'en diagonale (source)

In 2017, customers want to see more content on social networks, news articles and videos (source)

45% spend more than an hour a week watching videos on Facebook or Youtube (source)

In the past two years, content consumption on Facebook has increased by 57%, on Twitter by 25% and on LinkedIn by 21% (source)

One-third of Internet users prioritize their cell phones to access the Internet (source)

79% of internet users use their Facebook Feed to find interesting content (source)

19% des sondés utilisent SIRI quotidiennement (source)


Online advertising is less and less tolerated

91% des sondés trouvent la publicité en ligne de plus en plus intrusive (source)

87% of respondents believe there is more advertising on the Internet than there was two years ago (source)

73% of respondents don't like "pop-up" ads and 70% don't like ads on mobile (source)

Ad-blocker usage on mobile has increased 90% in the past year (source)

70% of respondents have a poor opinion of brands that use pop-ups (source)

51% of respondents have a poor opinion of brands that use automated video ads (source)

4 out of 5 Internet users have ever left a site because of a pop-up or automatic video ad (source)


Marketing and sales need to better align

Only 22% of respondents have a true service level agreement (SLA) between their Marketing and Sales (source)

Only 5% of salespeople believe the leads they receive from Marketing are of excellent quality (source)

Only 22% of salespeople trust Marketing to be their best source of qualified leads (source)

28% des entreprises privilégient le social selling (source)

Prospecting is the most difficult part of the sales process, according to salespeople (source)

Only 29% of Internet users say they want to talk to a salesperson to learn more about a product, while 62% will use a search engine (source)


We encourage you to download the full document to discover more numbers.