Telling a (good) story is a powerful lever of Marketing.
Since the beginning of the industrial era, entrepreneurs like to mention the date their company was founded.
For example, the name of the famous 1664 beer marks the year of Kronenbourg's founding - reminding us of the brewery's several hundred years of experience in making beer.
tartups these days like to tell the story of their beginnings in the back of a garage. While all companies have their own story, few know how to "tell it well " that is to tell it in a way that values its products and services.
The first person to theorize the art of corporate storytelling was the Australian Steve Denning, in the early 2000s.
Since then, the technique has evolved to become a must-have in the marketer's arsenal.
From a Inbound Marketing perspective, storytelling also has many benefits.
Who better to talk about you (especially in a good way) ?
Storytelling offers, in fact, an almost inexhaustible source of content ideas or anecdotes that effectively fit into the user journey.
The items you disseminate will be emotional and have the color of truth.
Be careful, by the way, not to disguise the reality of your story: in the age of Google and Open Data, it is easier and easier to show that you are lying - which could have unfortunate consequences!
For the Inbound Marketing, a mastered storytelling thus allows you to show your visitors your brand identity along with your positioning.
You will therefore strengthen the relationship of trust with your Internet users, which will have a real impact on their perception of your brand.
A story, whatever it is, always follows more or less the same narrative structure.
To help you take your storytelling to the next level, we created this infographic featuring "the hero's journey". It presents a particular way of telling a story - when it brings out the adventure of an exceptional character.
Isn't your company also an "exceptional character "? Then it's up to you to write its story!