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The 20 most innovative French HR tech in 2020

Each year we bring you the Tricolour technology companies with the most promise in the human resources business.

So here are the 20 French HR techs you should keep an eye on in 2020.

Employee Experience

Did you know that a good employee experience affects the productivity and profitability of your business? Actually, productivity isn't the only thing that is impacted. The talent-retention rate, engagement, revenue, and many other things also depend on the employee experience!"


With this SaaS solution you will be able to create Chatbots so that your employees have easy access to the internal information they need. This solution thus allows you to simplify the onboarding of your new employees: How do they install the tools your company uses? How can they apply for health insurance? Etc.


Dialoog promotes listening to employees through short and effective questionnaires including open and closed questions. The results are processed in real time and then assembled in a dashboard. They thus give you insights on what to work on to improve the employee experience.


This tool allows you to cope with new ways of working (telecommuting, multiple locations, desk sharing, etc.). It thus facilitates collaboration between employees, helps maintain trust, generates engagement and creates connection.

Furet Company

This company is behind the Welcome 'App. It allows new employees to discover their work environment in a fun way. It's an ideal tool to enhance your employer brand and create strong ties with your employees, even before the D  day!

Inbound Recruiting et IA générative

Workplace well-being

Workplace wellness covers all aspects of individuals' work experience, from how people perceive their jobs to their relationships with those around them. Physical, psychological, social and financial well-being at work enables employees to feel safe, happy, engaged and maximize their potential.

Bloom at Work

Bloom at Work offers employees the opportunity to participate in quizzes on the topic of well-being at work. Employers can thus analyze in real time the evolution of the development of their human capital and make the right decisions to improve it.


This project catalyst allows your employees to grow and develop their full potential. TeamStarter offers each employee the opportunity to propose a project. If other employees like it, they can join together to make it happen. Are your employees lacking inspiration? TeamStarter also suggests sample projects to boost their creativity.


Stimul offers a service to facilitate the reintegration of employees who return from a long period of sick leave or who suffer from chronic illnesses. The company can also help you develop an occupational health policy in your organization.


MoodWork is a digital solution that supports your employees in their quality of life at work efforts. It helps them assess their level of well-being and work exhaustion and act on both. The solution also advises companies to prevent psychosocial risks.


The gamification is nowadays establishing itself as a lever to foster engagement and increase employee motivation. Thanks to it, you can boost your employer brand and your HR processes!


This company offers interactive role-playing games that will make your HR actions more impactful. Moreover, you can co-construct them to fit your time and budget constraints but also your world ! Origamix even offers to train your teams to animate the game.

This company offers interactive role plays that will make your HR actions more impactful.

Get your employees out of their daily lives with gaming!


By asking 2 questions a day to your employees and allowing them to challenge themselves, this platform ensures ownership of transformation issues by your employees. Based on machine learning and cognitive science, 2Spark adapts the questions to your employees' progress. Enough to engage them with fun!


Kaperli offers fun solutions to create and develop connection, synergy and cooperation between collaborators. They are also the creators of the Sesame box. This one includes 10 challenges centered around a theme (digital, creativity, etc.) as well as tools (pen, post-it, etc.) and... treats !


Thanks to artificial intelligence, Pitchboy offers a fun training tool. Indeed, it allows you to simulate a conversation with a customer, in real-life conditions. You will be able to improve the convincing ability of your sales and customer relations teams.


Learning is critical to business development and success. It is fruitful for both employers and employees. Indeed, through training, an employee will have more confidence and thus be more effective and engaged.


By 2030, 80% of today's jobs will be gone. That's according to Kokoroe. This collaborative platform is inspired by Pop culture to offer quick and fun training to help employees adapt to digitalization.

This collaborative platform takes inspiration from Pop culture to deliver training.

The fun and quirky tone of the training offered by Kokoroe will delight your employees.


This fun training solution combines virtual reality and neuroscience to increase the value you add to your human capital. By providing an immersive, interactive and personalized learning Edwin&Edith allows you to boost the performance of your employees : leadership, negotiation skills, non violent communication, etc.


This training organization specializes in digital training, tutored by experts. Moreover, they advocate the SPOC (Small Private Online Course) format, an alternative to the all face-to-face. This means that a limited number of participants will take a course together and online to develop a skill.

In one easy step

This company offers virtual reality training to teach employees first aid skills. This immersive learning combines innovative pedagogy and cutting-edge technology to democratize awareness of these gestures.

Human Capital Management

Human capital is THE value-add for companies. Thus, management software is useful for companies of all sizes, whether they operate locally or globally. Accompanying employees, predicting workforce needs, and tracking financial reports are essential components of business operations.


skello is a personal and payroll management tool. You just need to provide your rules and constraints for skello to define an optimized schedule for your employees and your company. This tool also takes into account schedule changes related to replacements or unavailability. In addition, thanks to skello you can track your employees' overtime and vacations.


This visual reporting solution puts an end to the drawbacks of Excel and PowerPoint for rendering data. You can optimize your HR data management by communicating via a single source and provide clear answers to your operational questions.


Lumio assists you with your employment law needs. By simply answering the questions you are asked, you can obtain all the legal documents you need. This interactive tool will ensure compliance of your documents while saving you time !


This startup allows you to digitize the administrative tasks specific to training management. How does it work ? Employees tell their manager which training they are interested in. Once validated, they choose the date that suits them and registration is automatically done with the corresponding organization.

HR Awards 2020

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Topics: Inbound Recruiting, Tech RH, Palmarès RH 2020