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Recruiters, you need a blog!

Blogs have been part of the digital landscape for some time, now. Originally, they were essentially presented as logbooks, introducing an exchange between specialists via comments.

Slowly, companies have understood the immense potential of this media, which allows for less official, more reactive communication with near real-time interactivity.

Today, the time has come for recruiters to get on board!

A much-needed mindset shift

For a few decades (!), the objection most frequently heard by Content Marketing specialists was

"I already have a website, why would I need a blog?"

Then followed long hours of explanations about the importance of visibility, SEO, editorial positioning, etc.

Hopefully, those days are on their way out.

As history repeats itself (often), it's not uncommon today that, as a agency specializing in Inbound Recruiting, we hear:

"I already have a career site, why would I need a blog?"

In fact, I've already answered that question in this article

However, recently, one of our clients told me that he was totally convinced by the Inbound Recruiting approach, and therefore the value of blogging to attract candidates but that he needed figures, precise statistics from the commercial world to be able to argue this with his management.

That's why we present you this information, largely transposable to recruitment.

30 numbers that show that recruiters should blog 

1: Two-thirds of advertisers say their blog is "vital" or "important" to their business.  (Source: U.addresstwo)

2: The most active demographic on blogs is 21-35 year olds with 53.3% of total activity (Source:Sysomos). 

3: Businesses with blogs have 97% more leads than those without blogs.

4: Organizations that blog at least 20 times a month generate 5 times more visits and 4 times more leads than those that blog only a few times a month.

This figure should be contrasted with the result of the study "Global Recruiting
Trends 2017" published by Linkedin, which shows the importance of driving traffic to the career site for their employer-branding.

36% of recruiters surveyed want to increase traffic to their career site

5: Blog posts that were shared on Twitter generated 113% more visits than those that were not reposted on social networks.

6: B2B companies that maintain a blog generate 67% more interest than those that do not. 

7 : 46% of people who go online daily consult several blogs per day, i.e. 18 million French people.

8: Blogs are rated as the 5th most credible source of information by Internet users (Source: SearchEnginePeople)

9: Blog posts that were shared on Twitter and Facebook generated 149% more backlinks than those that were not shared at all.

10: Blogs are the best customer relationship interfaces, according to more than a third of today's advertisers. (Source: Content Plus )

11: B2B advertisers who blog generate a 67% increase in business interest tags vs. those who don't blog (Source: Insideview)

12: Blogging between 21 and 54 posts per month can boost your visibility by 30%. (Source: Trafficgenerationcafe)

13: Blogs give you credibility and authority in your field. (Source Convertwithcontent)

An up-to-date blog brings credibility and authority in a field

14: According to 78% of marketing managers, personalized content will be the champion of tomorrow's marketing tactics (Source: HanleyWood)

15: "Useful. Important. Vital." are the terms used by 80% of companies when talking about their blogs. (Source: Hubspot)

16: Businesses that post 20 or more times a month get 5 times more traffic than those that post 5 or fewer times a month. (Source: Hubspot)

17: After reading personalized content and learning more about a company, 60% of customers have a better opinion of the brand. (Source: Content Plus)

18: Illustrated articles attract 94% more readers (Source: Jeff Bullas)

19: Posting less than 4 times a month is less productive than posting 20 or more times, which offers 5 times more visibility. (Source: Hubspot)

20: Regularly updated blogs give readers the impression of a thriving business.

21: 78% of businesses that post daily have observed getting more customers because of their blog. (Source: WordPress)

22: 60% of businesses currently have a business blog. (Source: Blogging.org)

Inbound Recruiting et IA générative

23: More than 34% of companies actively maintain their blog.  (Source: Blogging.org)

24: 23% of executives regularly read business-related blogs (Source: SearchEnginePeople)

25: More than 90% of companies that post multiple times a day on their blog have seen an increase in customers as a direct result of their content being visible to them. (Source: HubSpot)

26: 30% of B2Bs who use social media have blogs (Source: InsideView)

27: In 2017, 45% of marketers consider blogging the centerpiece of their strategy (Source: Social Media Examiner)

28:Small businesses that blog get 120% more evidence of interest in their business than those that don't. (Source: ThinkCreative)

29: More than 345 million people say they read blogs.  (Source: The Future Buzz)

30: Sites with a blog improve their SEO by 434% (Source: TechClient)

Are you convinced by these numbers? Will you be setting up a blog on your career space to attract candidates? Discuss it with us!

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Topics: Inbound Recruiting, Marque employeur, Statistiques, Conseils