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Why you need to rethink your recruitment strategy in 2018

Recruiting is no longer a simple process, where you simply post an ad and wait patiently for applications to pour in!

Competition is fierce in every industry, with companies of various sizes doing everything they can to attract and retain the best profiles. This is the famous "war for talent"!"

Traditional strategies are no longer adequate for the modern job market, even if you use social media. Like all other aspects of hiring candidates, these have evolved as well.

If you want to be better than the competition and stay relevant, you need to adapt your recruiting process to the changing times.

Why are traditional recruiting strategies still used?

Transactional recruiting, the use of job boards and external recruiters to fill each position as it opens, is still the way most companies approach recruiting.


Candidates, however, expect much more from the companies they are considering.


Candidates are no longer sitting back and waiting for recruiters to want them: they are becoming proactive. They're researching, learning about how companies treat their employees and using their mobile devices to find opportunities wherever they go.

They want the best value, and will make the effort to find it!

New call-to-action

Too many employers have not considered this trend. They continue to run outdated job ads, use third-party agencies and transactional recruiting techniques instead of being in control of their hiring strategy.

It's certainly easier to carry on as before, but those who adapt to change  risk losing you in the war for talent !

Flow will replace transaction in 2018

From this year forward, recruiters who attract talent through a " a pipeline" instead of piecemeal recruiting will have a distinct advantage.

The time has come to view recruiting as a marketing process, and candidates as potential customers (although the latter comparison has some limitations).


Invest your time and resources in the famous recruitment funnel, with the right tools to help you every step of the way. The Internet is the greatest source of information, and therefore your greatest source of talent.

To leverage it effectively, a tool like Hubspot, which allows you to manage your content and generate conversions on your career site, is perfectly suited.

With this tool, you can, among other things, turn potential candidates into employees by strengthening your 'Inbound Recruiting campaign, building a relevant employer brand, and relying on reliable data.

Where to start

As with a classic Digital Marketing approach, treat the recruitment funnel one step at a time, and use analytics to measure your performance at each stage.

Start with your company's career site (or career space on your website) and your social media spaces dedicated to recruitment, and explore the benefits Hubspot offers to drive maximum traffic.

Inbound Recruiting et IA générativeTest new ways to show potential candidates the value of your company, whether it's using a mobile recruiting app like Kudoz to simplify job searches and applications, or offering specialized video content that candidates can watch from anywhere.

Work with your marketing team to understand how different approaches can affect your employer brand, and continue to build a strong online presence.

Knowing how to give yourself time

No Inbound Recruiting strategy will show results immediately!
Building a strong employer brand, on social platforms and on your own website, is a process that takes time.

The first step is to set up a blog with content focused on real candidate needs, known through work on Candidate Personas.

An example of a Candidate Persona

Forget outdated tactics and methods that focus on immediate returns. With a strong employer brand and active presence, talent will want to join you.

Building a large talent pool will make the task of selecting candidates much easier when you need certain profiles!

And you, what will your recruitment strategy be in 2018? Transactional or Inbound?

Topics: Inbound Recruiting, Marque employeur, Recrutement digital