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E-recruitment, recruitment 2.0, recruitment 3.0: what are the differences?

It is clear that digitalization has profoundly disrupted the recruitment process, even in the vocabulary.

It's sometimes hard to get your head around the names: e-recruitment, recruitment 2.0 and now, recruitment 3.0. What do these expressions mean?

E-Recruitment: the dematerialization of the employer-employee relationship

New technologies have reset the relationship between candidates and companies, or even reversed it. Today, stakeholders must adapt to the partial or total virtualization of the HR process as a whole, and recruitment in particular.

To this end, companies have developed interactive platforms on their institutional sites (career spaces or dedicated career sites) to promote online application.


 Recruiting has evolved! Today, simply posting a job opening is no longer enough

The challenge is to recruit the best talent in the shortest possible time using web tools.

E-Recruitment, of which Recruitment 2.0 and 3.0 are a part, allows reducing the costs of recruitment, to distribute advertisements quickly and simplify their update, to share useful information about the company, to improve the quality of follow-up on applications and to create a candidate pool.

New call-to-action

Recruitment 2.0, the social era

Until the mid-2000s, The Internet had changed recruitment patterns relatively little. For the most part, it had simply transformed paper ads into web ads and resume cabinets into shareable electronic documents.

The arrival of what is known as "Web 2.0", including in particular social networks, has revolutionized the hiring process. Companies as candidates now manage their digital identity through their presence on blogs, professional (LinkedIn, Video, etc.) or generalist (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) social networks, career sites or interactive CV sites, including videos and contact forms.

Deloitte is leading the way in social recruiting

Deloitte's employer brand is an example to follow!

The candidate, like the recruiter, thus becomes proactive: the former by developing his network, for example, by contacting "friends of friends" likely to help or co-opt him, the latter by becoming a community leader around the employer-branding and/or a business speciality.

Recruitment 3.0, Inbound Recruiting

Recruitment 3. 0 goes further by introducing more techniques from Digital Marketing, such as conversion rate optimization, the notion of Persona, sending automated email, while highlighting the notion of candidate-experience,  digital or not.

These processes have been brought together in a highly effective methodology: Inbound Recruiting, also sometimes referred to as Inbound Recruitment.

Inbound Recruiting is a global (holistic) approach that provides consistency to the various tools used by recruiters.

In particular, it helps reinforce the company's image and employer credibility, thanks to regular, high-quality publications published on the career blog and relayed on social networks. Inbound Recruiting et IA générative

So we can't really talk about a radical change, but rather a consolidation of what already exists, i.e., the integration of talent acquisition, application processing, and different sourcing approaches within the same process.

In other words, we are seeing a simplification that is necessary to save recruiters time, while increasing the accuracy and match between applications received and positions offered.

Another important aspect of Recruiting 3.0 is the involvement of employees as spokespeople and builders of their company's employer e-reputation, through word-of-mouth, social networks and online activity, among other things.

Move to Recruiting 3.0, Embrace Inbound Recruiting

Engage, attract and convert are the watchwords of the modern recruiter

This overall coherence in the discourse, articulated in an storytelling  effective, and in the method, that of Inbound Recruiting, aims to prioritize meeting the right candidate with the right message and the right company.

Topics: Inbound Recruiting, Recrutement digital, Expérience candidat, Recrutement 3.0