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How to attract top talent with recruitment videos

In Inbound Recruiting, (quality) recruiting videos are considered the most effective content for attracting the best talent! 

Currently, video, whether filmed or in motion design is one of the best ways to present a company's employer brand to potential employees.

We deliver the keys to creating a high-quality recruitment video.

Video is king (also) in recruitment

Boosted by the upcoming arrival of 5G, video content consumption will account for by 2022, 82% of Internet traffic (by data quantity).

The dramatic growth of online video will have a significant impact on many industries and recruitment will be no exception.

With the Internet becoming increasingly dominated by the video format, recruiters will need to use video to attract the best talent.

Leading companies are already using video in their recruitment efforts - here are two great examples of recruitment videos.



Why is this good?

30 seconds. Not a word. Just one scene. Pure emotion. What more can be said?



Why is this good?

This video is brilliant because it is completely authentic. All the images in this video were captured on a smartphone on the same day. And all of the responses are unscripted. It's so simple - but brilliant!

The use of video in recruitment has quickly become one of the most important marketing strategies in recruitment.

Why use recruitment videos ?

There are many reasons to use videos in recruitment.

Here are the 3 main reasons why you should consider using videos in your recruitment strategy :


Season 1 : Improve your ads

The number is dead on: ads with a video have a higher application rate of 34%. In other words, you increase your recruiting efficiency by a third with this format, which is huge!

Why? Unlike traditional job postings, video gives employers the opportunity to tell a engaging story (a storytelling) that humanizes their organization and promotes their corporate culture.

In addition, videos are more instructive than text since they allow candidates to get a true perspective of the company from the inside, something that even the best job descriptions fail to convey.


Season 2 : Attracting younger candidates 

Several studies have shown that using video is a particularly effective tactic for attracting younger candidates.

Also according to CareerBuilder, when given a choice between a identical video and article, Millennials are four times more likely to watch the video than read the article.

This is important because by 2030, Millennials will represent 75% of the global workforce.

Reason 3 : Adopt a mobile-first strategy  

Using video is also a way to prepare for the future, with a mobile first strategy.

Being mobile first is essential given that 82% of candidates search for jobs on their mobile.

Video is the rising star of mobile content and it is estimated that video will account for as much as 87% of mobile traffic by the end of 2021.

The most commonly used recruitment video formats

If you are new to recruitment videos and want to incorporate them into your recruiting tools, there are several options that you can keep in mind.

The most common formats for recruitment videos include :


     Employee interviews

 Many companies opt for employee interviews as a great way to speak the best aspects of your company culture in a more personal way.

  1. Virtual office tour

Another classic format is the virtual office tour. This format is particularly used by companies that believe their work environment is the greatest asset of their Employee Value Proposition (EVP).

  1. Live my life

A video in the " Vis ma vie "style will give candidates a better idea of the day-to-day roles and responsibilities of a position or job. It is also a great way to subtly showcase your company culture as well as your environment in a authentic and natural way.

  1. Introduction

These videos take a more general approach, and as such are more suited to establishing your employer brand than promoting a position. These videos aim to provide a convincing overview of the company and its ambitions.

Inbound Recruiting et IA générative

How to create an effective recruitment video ?

As with any video marketing tactic, strategy is the most important thing when creating a recruitment video.

Before you break out your camera, identify your objectives and your target, then consider your resources (time, equipment, capabilities and budget) and work from there.

Storytelling and creativity are also paramount. You need to make sure your target will be interested enough to follow through with the video and make them envy to send in their application.

Feel free to experiment, just make sure the end result is consistent with your strategy and consistent with your brand. 

If time and budget allow, also consider creating several versions of the video adapted for different types of positions.

A more personalized approach will help increase engagement and boost application rates.

How to maximize the value of your recruitment video ?

Producing a recruitment video takes a lot of time and effort. There are several things you should do to maximize your investment. First, be careful to include your brand clearly throughout the video.

Then insert a call-to-action, such as a link to a web page, form or email, so people can submit their application with a simple click.

Finally, measure all metrics (number of views, engagement, click-through rate and abandonment rate) so you can judge the effectiveness of your video and make changes if necessary.

Rules for creating a quality recruitment video

There are some basic rules related to recruitment videos that you should always try to follow. First, plan all the details and have a clear strategy for production, promotion and measuring your results.

When it comes to content, be sure to communicate all the key points but keep your video short (less than 2 minutes ideally) and easy to understand (so avoid using jargon).

Finally, respect the rights of your current employees when filming : don't force someone to appear in the video if they don't want to.

New call-to-action

Should you hire professionals ?

If your budget allows, hire a team to ensure the quality of the video shoot and post-production. This is an ideal option for companies that don't have the time, human resources or expertise to create the video in-house.

This option may seem a bit more expensive, however, the costs are offset by the benefits of having a team of experts who bring a diversity of skills to ensure your recruitment video is the best it can be.

Finally, if you don't have the means to hire a professional, don't worry : you can do it yourself. " home" videos can also have a lot of impact.

However, do you accompany on the storytelling !


Topics: Inbound Recruiting, Vidéo de recrutement