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Is Inbound Marketing a salesperson's best friend?

Did you know that 70% of consumers prefer to learn about a brand through articles and infographics rather than ads?

The Inbound Marketing is based precisely on this observation, and this is what makes it so interesting for salespeople: the customers they will have to deal with will already be well-informed about their company's offer, so the sale will be easier.

Are you still skeptical ? Here's 6 proof that Inbound Marketing will make your life easier.

1 - Leads are pre-qualified 

If, as part of an Outbound strategy you pay to get an ad insert, you will reach many people whose needs you do not know.

Thus, these potential customers are statistically unlikely to be converted into leads, even with good targeting.

A lead is a person who has shown interest in your offer : they have a problem and they think your company can solve it. So the first step in implementing an Inbound Marketing strategy is to know what your target customers are interested in (what their real problem is).

Once you've done this, you'll be able to offer useful content for your leads.

By reading this, consumers realize your expertise in the areas they are interested in. You then become relevant to their need.

Inbound marketing allows for better targeting.

Thus, the risk of offering something that won't fit is minimal with Inbound Marketing.

2 - New customers arrive "naturally"

Inbound marketing relies on offering seo optimized content.

In fact, through the use of statistics, you can increase the visibility of your site without spending a fortune.

So learn how to optimize your content for SEO and measure traffic properly.

This is not as difficult as it sounds and will prove to be very useful. In fact, there are many tools that can help you with these steps. The best known remains HubSpot, whose creator company is behind the concept of Inbound Marketing.

Moreover, spending on an Inbound Marketing strategy is investment

In fact, unlike an outbound marketing campaign, the efforts in terms of SEO will continue to produce leads indefinitely.

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3 - Outbound techniques are increasingly abandoned by customers 

80% of Internet users completely ignore sponsored links like Adwords (Search Engine Land). Indeed, outbound strategies have reached the end of their business model.

If you approach a prospect directly to tell them about a product in your catalog it could be perceived poorly.

While Internet users are not fundamentally averse to receiving marketing information, they do demand that it be tailored to their needs. That's what inbound marketing does.

In fact, Internet users know what they want to buy and use the Internet to find it. With inbound marketing, you are already there when they do their research. You are destined to get conversions once you know what your potential customers are interested in.

One way to find out what draws users' attention to your website is to use  " eye tracking " (to track where the eye lands on a page).

One way to find out what draws users' attention to your website is to use  

Eye tracking helps you know what catches customers' attention.

4 - It's easier to turn leads into customers 

According to HubSpot, 57% of salespeople believe that inbound marketing strategies allow buyers to be less dependent on salespeople during the buying process.

In the traditional approach, the salesperson is forced to take the lead very early on, with the risk of not fully understanding their needs. He must then take the time to qualify the latter.

As part of an inbound strategy, you are able to inform your sales teams about each lead's position in the customer journey or its qualification level.

The sales department thus knows if the lead is ripe to start the sales process or if he needs more information before making his decision. The preparatory work done by Inbound Marketing thus allows the salesperson to optimize his relationship with his future customer.

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5 - results are measurable 

By tracking your statistics you can know which content and keywords are attracting the most leads. If some are not effective you can adjust your strategy. This is not possible in an Outbound campaign.

Outbound marketing is essentially spending money on a campaign that is defined in time. If after launching it you realize that it's not as effective as expected, it's too late to change it.

Whatever the visitor's behavior, Inbound Marketing allows you to estimate whether the prospect has a high chance of wanting to buy your products.

You will then be able to analyze the data of all visitors and deduce the effectiveness of your strategy. The ROI of Inbound Marketing is therefore possible to evaluate.

6 - Inbound Marketing helps build brand image 

This is about loyalty. This is the last of the 4 stages of Inbound Marketing (attract, convert, engage and retain). It is indeed easier to build a regular customer base with Inbound Marketing.

The choice of content you offer your customers is key. It must show the added value you bring so that they can trust you.

And you have to maintain that level of relevance over time. That's the only way to maintain long-term relationships with your customers.

They need to feel like they have advanced knowledge of your products and your company. It is this knowledge that helps reduce the feeling of risk-taking when they make a purchase.

It's that knowledge that helps reduce the feeling of risk-taking when they make a purchase.

Thanks to Inbound Marketing, customers feel protected when they decide to make a purchase.

Inbound Marketing therefore allows for a personalized sales process to connect with the right leads, in the right place, at the right time during the buying journey.

Topics: Inbound Marketing, Buyer persona, Génération de leads