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6 tips for an effective Landing Page!

A landing page, or landing page on your website, is an essential conversion tool in an Inbound Marketing strategy. It is one of its pillars to transform unknown visitors to your site into identified prospects and then into customers.

effective landing page to attract leads

An optimized landing page serves to generate leads

While landing pages are not the showcase of a site, they should not be neglected. They have an essential role for your SEO and especially your conversion rates and overall user experience.

To be most effective, landing pages must have a strong message and must include optimized headers and informative content.

It takes a clever mix of smart design, strategic structuring, and careful writing of content to produce a finished, effective product. Here are some helpful tips to help you get the results you want!

1 - Identify your target

The buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on biographical and demographic information, psychological criteria, motivations or even bjectifs.

It is essential to know who the landing page will be addressed to in order to choose the most appropriate tone, words and design.

You also need to analyze how far along your persona is in the conversion funnel? At what phase of their buying decision are they?
Having this information will allow you to better bring your offer to the table, and the visitor will be more likely to be converted into a qualified lead. Depending on where they are in the funnel, you're not going to make the same offer to a prospect.
A persona in the awareness phase will likely be looking to download a white paper to reinforce their information intake on a topic, while a marketing persona in the decision making phase may be looking for a case study to see if your company is the right one for them!

2 - Start with an effective structure

The main purpose of a landing page is to offer the premium content on a conversion page where the visitor will leave their contact information in a form in exchange for the offer.

For the structure, this means concretely:

  • A title that defines the offer,
  • A clear and concise summary of the offer,
  • An eye-catching visual,
  • A conversion form through which the customer will fill in their data
  • A social proof, such as customer testimonials.
  • Finally don't forget the RGPD mentions in order to ensure that the data is used in the right way.

One trick is to remove the navigation bar from your landing pages. This allows the user to focus on the form you want them to convert on!

Optimized Landing Page: a good structure

The structure of an effective landing page: the example of Uber

3 - Keep it simple

There's a delicate balance between properly informing your customer and giving them too much information. Still, the general rule is to keep it simple

It's true that long-form content tends to rank higher, but only if that content is valuable to the customer.

Too much information, too many tabs and too many links can make a landing page cluttered and leave customers confused and overwhelmed.

On the other hand, simple but effective headlines, shorter content paragraphs and only relevant tabs, FAQs and other features can contribute to an effective and successful landing page design.

Call-to-action ebook 24 astuces

4 - Offer value

All too often, landing pages miss their mark because they are designed without considering the parameters that sell.

Website designers spend so much time and energy creating something unique that they forget to think about what will sell.

When starting a new website project, ask your team to think about what will have the most impact on each page. In some industries, warranty information and satisfaction guarantees should be at the forefront, while another site may benefit more from promotion and discounts.

Thus, these efforts help to generate additional value for page visitors.

5 - Build trust

Promoting your brand as trustworthy is a key point for your customers. No matter what industry you're in, people expect your business to be reputable and trustworthy before they invest their time and money.

Some of the most effective trust-building elements include testimonials from other customers, certification and association logos, as well as awards and accolades your company has received in the past.

Of course, there are different ways to build trust, and many business owners maintain the argument that trust is built face-to-face.

Nevertheless, including these elements on your landing page could be what gets a customer through the door in the first place.

6 - Don't forget SEO

If you want your website to become your best seller, SEO is a proactive and affordable option compared to paid ads that can quickly become overpriced without long-term results.

Creating a landing page that uses SEO from search engines can improve your organic ranking on search engine results pages!

For example, including keywords in tagged headers, meta descriptions, page titles, and URLs and running them throughout the copy, etc.

Now you're ready to launch great landing pages!

Topics: Inbound Marketing